Global food systems make us vulnerable in the time of worldwide crisis. In addition, the call of consumers for sustainable food production becomes louder. The role of Local food production is essential next to the Global supply chains. The Global and Local systems need to be brought into a suitable balance. When one system fails, the other can provide stability. To create this balance the local consumption needs to increase, which means that shorter supply chains are also required. For development it is vital to collect the correct knowledge and find the right partners.
At VIV Europe 2022, global expertise presented how to boast local practice in a sustainable way. All activities and conferences feature this main topic.
It focused on how current and future trends in feed, breeding & hatching, farming, health & nutrition, slaughtering and egg handling & processing may lead to develop a supply chain with fewer links. It emphasised on the fact that interaction between consumers and farmers is equally important as the interaction within the supply chain.
We need Glocal Farming to secure fresh food locally – HubOrange!
Global food systems are vulnerable in the time of a worldwide crisis, the role of local food production is essential as an add-on to global supply chains.
We need Glocal Farming to secure fresh food locally. That’s why we focus on regionalization of food production in a new sustainable ways; farm to fork and fork to farm. Important in this regard is attention for new forms of collaboration in the food supply chain to ensure food security and food safety and of course – very important – healthy food that’s sustainable and affordable. At the inspiration square in hall 9 VIV Europe presented a collection of about 35 inspiring examples of innovations to make food supply chains shorter, future-proof and transparent for all stakeholders involved, including consumers. More then ever before food supply change is in the air.

Introducing a unique circular concept: The Round Egg
The “Round Egg” is a circular chain concept, developed in the Food valley region in the center of the Netherlands. Read more>
Creating circular feed with fermentation
Dr.FERM is THE knowhow partner for developing & implementing microbial fermentation concepts in animal protein production systems. Read more>
Chicken Welfare Hub focuses on longevity of hens
In a more natural environment hens can live much longer and lay up to 1000 eggs. Read more>
Sana Novum - Sustaining animal resilience is the key
The natural balance of our livestock, that is controlled in the gut, has become disturbed and out of balance. Read more>
We analyse your data to your benefit
FR Analytics is specialized in data research, modelling & statistics, forecasting, and optimization. Read more>
Accelerating agrifoodtech startups shaping a sustainable food system
StartLife is Europe’s top agrifoodtech startup accelerator, co-founded by Wageningen University & Research in 2010. Read more>
World Food Center: work, experience and live food
In the Food Valley region in Ede, close to Wageningen University & Research, the former Maurits Zuid barracks site is being transformed. Read more>
Farm Data: Farmers Back in Control
SOMMEN, FarmersNet and Farmer System have formed a unique partnership. All three are focused on farmers. Read more>
Grassa unlocks the full potential of grass
With a natural process of pressing, heating and filtering, the grass is divided into four products. Read more>
Upgrading food waste to high-quality meat
Zonvarken (UK: Solar Pig) is a cooperation of farmers with a revolutionary pig farm.
Read more>
Creating circular bread and egg supply chain
Bakkersgrondstof is making sourdough out of returned bread from bakeries.
Read more>
Turning the poultry chain upside down!
Eggs from the breeder are received at the hatchery, where they are incubated and hatched as day-old chicks after 21 days.
Read more>
Supply chain automation at your fingertips
FoodInsights and VAA provides supply chain solutions for producers of processors and packers of meat & eggs. Read more>
A fresh view on sustainability
We work with students on sustainability issues in practice, including those of the agricultural sector. Read more>
Your data is the key to discovering your potential
FarmResult delivers cloud-based management solutions and advisory systems for poultry, pig and research farms.
Read more>
Poultry Expertise Centre: Connecting knowledge & innovations in projects & partnerships
The Poultry Expertise Centre (PEC) focuses on the development and diffusion of knowledge and innovations.
Read more>
The theme of Global Expertise l Local Practice will be highlighted via HubOrange! Inspiration Seminar during the show. It will be spread over the span of 3 days. VIV Europe along with Hub Orange! will present the network concept Glocal Farming with a selection of 11 regional chain concepts in which the producer connects with the food sector in his/her own way. Register for the seminar here>

Focuses more on production
Standardized products/brands

Products with more processing and packaging
Global Production I Local Branding
Longer supply chains remain next to shorter chains and next to supermarkets
Security when local harvest fails = Food Security

0-800 KM
Products with little processing and packaging
Local products and concepts
Fewer links
Increased certainity of product delivery = Food security
Jaarbeurs Exhibition Centre
Jaarbeursplein 6
NL-3503 RM Utrecht
The Netherlands
June 2-4, 2026
Tuesday - Thursday
Opening hours
10.00 – 18.00 hrs