The seminar is spread over the span of 3 days. Industry experts will share their knowledge and new trends on the below topics.
Day 1 – Glocal Farming
Day 2 – Innovation by Co-creation
Day 3 – High Tech to meet future demands
Date: 31 May, 1-2 June, 2022
Time: 11:00 – 12:15 hrs
Location: Jaarbeurs Exhibition centre | Arena Hall 9
Organised by:

Unfolding the 2022 VIV Europe theme, innovators of the animal production sector from the Netherlands will present cutting-edge concepts and new ways of approaching sustainable food production. The first day of content sharing will be focused on Glocal Farming. The empowerment of short supply chains and the balance between global trading and local production in order to create sustainable food systems that satisfy consumer needs. The HubOrange! Inspiration Seminars are brought to VIV Europe by Hub Orange!
About HubOrange!
HubOrange! is a co-creation network, facilitating and creating sustainable and circular farm-based concepts and brands in agri + food.
Together with our network partners we support the development of feed-to-food-concepts, based on ‘future demands’ and socially valuable business partnering. Our innovation-strategy is based on co-creation, a new form of supply-chain strategy in which a process is devised collectively by producers with their suppliers, distributors and customers to achieve an outcome of value to all the parties. Our co-creation network is partnering with an Orange team of farmers, their partners and VIV worldwide to put sustainable and circular ‘farmer brands’ on a shared marketing platform and inspiration squares.
With the HubOrange! brand as a shared label, we organize HubOrange! Inspiration Congresses/seminars with our farmers and partners during the VIV worldwide exhibitions. We initiate and organize sustainable supply chain concepts and circular focus projects like Floating Egg Farm and the ‘Round Egg’ and our Glocal Farming network concept to showcase local and scalable agrifood concepts, generating a multi valuable proposition for all stakeholders involved. Within these projects we collaborate with pioneering innovators, supply chain partners, and knowledge- and research partners like HAS University, Aeres, Wageningen University, HAN and others.
Welcome at our HubOrange! Inspiration Square at VIV Europe 2022, Hall 9 with 30 inspiring companies, solutions and concepts, that meet future demands today! And we hope to inspire you also at the HubOrange! Inspiration Seminars we organize every day during the VIV in the Arena-part of hall 9.
Read more about the concept>
Albert Hoekerswever
Noud Janssen
DAY 1 – 31 MAY 2022
Glocal Farming: local innovations, global inspiration”
Arena Hall 9 – 11:00 – 12:15 hrs
Global food systems are vulnerable in the time of a worldwide crisis. The role of local food production is essential as an add-on to global supply chains.
We need Glocal Farming to secure fresh food locally and focus on food regionalization production in a new sustainable way. Farm to fork, animal welfare, circular concepts, community-driven, sustainable sourcing, regional and scalable are the key concepts that drive the Glocal Farming.
This seminar will explore these 4 innovative regional and sustainable agrifood concepts.
DAY 2 – 1 JUNE 2022
Innovation by Co-creation
Arena Hall 9 – 11:00 – 12:15 hrs
Co-creation is a new form of supply-chain strategy in which a process is devised collectively by producers with their suppliers, distributors and customers to achieve an outcome of value to all the parties.
This seminar will show 4 innovative concepts based on the creation of multiple values.
DAY 3 – 2 JUNE 2022
We need high tech to meet future demands
Arena Hall 9 – 11:00 – 12:15 hrs
A lot of issues have impact on animal farming, animal health, animal welfare, emission reduction, sustainability, circularity. High tech systems can help to solve these issues in a new way.
We need ‘high tech’ monitoring systems to get an overview to create vital solutions on several levels in the agrifood supply chain. With special focus on foodsecurity and foodsafety from farm to fork and fork to farm.
At this seminar several examples will be presented: monitoring-systems and solutions for sharing data with farmers and supply chain partners.
Jaarbeurs Exhibition Centre
Jaarbeursplein 6
NL-3503 RM Utrecht
The Netherlands
June 2-4, 2026
Tuesday - Thursday
Opening hours
10.00 – 18.00 hrs