

As the HAN Center for Multiple Value Creation we work with students on sustainability issues in practice, including those of the agricultural sector. Our mission is to focus not only on financial value, but on multiple value: natural, material, social-relational, human, intellectual and financial. Why? Because a future proof organization – and this also applies to a chain – is in balance: economically, socially and ecologically. 

We are fully in line with the theme in Hall 9: the vulnerability of global food systems, the essential role for local food production, the consumer who demands sustainability and transparency. The issues in the agricultural sector do not concern a single company, but the entire chain. Co-creation and multiple value creation contribute to solutions! 

More information: Booth D9.E006  www.han.nl/cmw

As a knowledge center we are happy to share the experiences we gain in practical research. Articles, publications, fact sheets, events, knowledge clips, podcasts and courses. Above all, we are enthusiastic and work with students who understand that new ways of producing and consuming are needed. We cherish the economic, but in balance with the natural ecosystem and social values. 

Looking forward to meet you during VIV 2022! 

Jaarbeurs Exhibition Centre
Jaarbeursplein 6
NL-3503 RM Utrecht
The Netherlands

June 2-4, 2026
Tuesday - Thursday

Opening hours
10.00 – 18.00 hrs