


Feed costs are the highest costs on a pig farm. Nowadays with the increasing cost of ingredients worldwide, the pressure on feed costs will only increase further.
It is therefore important to optimize all ins and outs in feed supply, feed distribution, feed utilization and feed efficiency to control production costs. In this seminar, 4 speakers will shed light on technologies and know-how in relation to feed cost management.

Date: February 17, 2022
Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm  CET

We advise to join the session via Zoom when you have the possibility, so you can participate in the interaction and ask questions. When you are unable to use Zoom, please fill out this form to access the livestream.

Watch webinar Feed Excellence: Utilization and Efficiency

Organized by:


Total duration: 1 hour


  • Introduction by the moderator – Ms. Ina Enting, DMFC
  • 10-minutes Keynote speech, by Ms. Pan Chenjun, Executive Director, RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness of Rabobank, about the developments / situation of raw materials and prices of feed (tbc)
  • 4 pitches from companies:
    1. Agrifirm – Mr. Hans Gerrits
    2. Nedap – Mr. Martin Enderink
    3. Topigs Norsvin – Mr. Chris Opschoor
    4. Stienen – Mr. Paul Peters
  • Panel discussion led by the moderator.


Stakeholders in primary pig production in China and Europe are especially invited to this program.
The webinar will serve as a platform for exchange of ideas, innovations and know-how relevant to the industry.



Ina Enting is director of DMFC. It supports Dutch companies to capitalise on market opportunities and resolve business issues in the Chinese animal production chains, regarding potato, pig, poultry, dairy, feed and pet food production. Main services:

  • Sector branding
  • Event organisation
  • Digital Marketing
  • Feed, Pet food Registration

With over 10 years’ experience, DMFC has developed a reputation for agricultural excellence and industry know-how in China


Ms. Pan Chenjun is Executive Director, RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness of Rabobank, based in Hong Kong. Since joining Rabobank in 1998, she focused on research of China’s agricultural sectors. She is recognized as an expert in animal protein sector with exemplary work in China.

Ms. Pan is the author of many publications such as ‘Convertible Bonds and State-owned Enterprises Restructuring’, ‘Pork Supply Chain: the US and China’, ‘Development of China’s Feed Industry’, ‘Competitiveness of China’s Meat Industry’, and a series of industry overview of China’s agricultural sectors published by Rabobank.

Ms. Pan has a Masters in Enterprise Restructuring from Management School of Maastricht, the Netherlands, and a Bachelor in Foreign Trade from Shanghai Jiaotong University.


Chris Opschoor is Manager Global Nutrition Services at Topigs Norsvin and is based in the Netherlands. He studied swine husbandry and gained practical experience in the feeding industry and within the Global Nutrition Services department. Chris and his team provide advice regarding the best feeding levels and quality to unlock the maximum potential of Topigs Norsvin genetics.


Responsible as Area Sales Manager for Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, China and Korea.

With Stienen we have the ambition that with each ventilation system we sell, there is also the opportunity to take care of the feeding systems. We see that integrations and big farmers are looking for one-stop-shop solutions. Feeding and ventilation in the same interface, with the possibility to gather the data of each farm easily. With Stienen this is possible and we just started with feeding for pigs.


Commercial, technical & international experienced Commercial Director with broad knowledge of the production chains in the global animal protein industry (meat, milk, eggs), with an intercontinental and multicultural track record for 25+ years. Specialized in animal nutrition and farm-technology. Combining innovative thinking, added value, and a solution-oriented mindset.


Technical Director of Agrifirm/Nuscience China

He is also the owner of a pig farm in the Netherlands. In the past he has managed a wide range of important positions at various Dutch companies – breeding farm, feed companies and consulting firm. 

Jaarbeurs Exhibition Centre
Jaarbeursplein 6
NL-3503 RM Utrecht
The Netherlands

June 2-4, 2026
Tuesday - Thursday

Opening hours
10.00 – 18.00 hrs