

10 May, 2022

Dutch-Bangladeshi partnership

PoultryTechBangladesh is a public-private partnership between companies & knowledge institutes from the Netherlands and Bangladesh active in the poultry value chain, supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bangladesh and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO).

The goal of the cooperation is to contribute to a more competitive and sustainable poultry sector in Bangladesh.

The partnership is headed by Larive International and its Bangladesh affiliate LightCastle Partners and includes ten other companies and knowledge institutes being, Aeres Training Centre International, Aftab Bahumukhi Farms, Hato Agricultural Lightning, Hendrix Genetics, Kazi Farms, Marel Poultry, Mavitec, Nutreco, Royal Pas Reform and Van Aarsen.

Fastest growing economy in Asia

A growing group of middle-class Bangladeshi consumers, particularly living in urban areas such as Dhaka and Chittagong, is increasing consciousness about food quality and safety and are changing their preference towards more protein-rich and value-added products, which is increasing demand for poultry meat and eggs. This results in opportunities for both parties from the Netherlands and Bangladesh.

The Netherlands is internationally renowned for the responsible production of poultry products, innovation and for creating added value. Dutch policies and processes regarding food quality, product safety and hygiene are considered the highest international standards. Dutch poultry sector players could add significant value in developing a more competitive and responsible poultry sector in Bangladesh, while simultaneously turning current challenges into business opportunities for Dutch companies.

Meeting at VIV on Wednesday 1 June

PoultryTechBangladesh hosts an incoming mission, including a visit to the VIV Europe, for a Bangladeshi delegation in the Netherlands from 29 May to 3 June 2022. The delegation includes 15 decision-makers of Bangladeshi poultry integrations. The mission program includes business meetings with the partnership members, visits to members’ reference projects, farm visits and a visit to the VIV Europe on Wednesday 1 June.

With this incoming mission, the partnership aims to strengthen business relations between stakeholders in the Dutch and Bangladeshi poultry value chain, resulting in increased trade, investment and cooperation.

If you want to know more about the delegation visiting the VIV Europe and/or PoultryTechBangladesh, please feel free to contact Iris Boom
(iris.boom@larive.com -Tel. +31 30 693 32 21).

Jaarbeurs Exhibition Centre
Jaarbeursplein 6
NL-3503 RM Utrecht
The Netherlands

June 2-4, 2026
Tuesday - Thursday

Opening hours
10.00 – 18.00 hrs